Cover illustration E-Justice, beginselen van behoorlijke elektronische rechtspraak

E-Justice, beginselen van behoorlijke elektronische rechtspraak / Ronald Hendrik van den Hoogen - [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2007 - Doctoral thesis Utrecht University


During the coming years the administration of justice will change drastically as a result of the possibilities of information and communication technology (ICT). These possibilities will have to be used as much as possible, with a view to the conservation and improvement of the legal quality of court procedures. The question that has been answered in the present research is the following: when does the quality of the procedure come into danger? But also: how can quality be improved by using ICT? So far, little research has been carried out into the legal implications which the use of ICT has for court procedures. Both for researchers, legislatures, policy makers and (potential) litigating parties as well as for the members of the Judiciary itself, it is important to obtain a greater insight into this meaning. The principles of a fair electronic trial, formulated in this research, offer a framework for discussion concerning the opportunities for and the threats posed by ICT for court procedures.

keywords: information and communication technology, judiciary, administration of justice, information technology, law, judge, lawyer, courtroom, E-filing, videoconferencing

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